Thursday, September 4, 2008

Where did time go?

My little girl where did she go?  
Ava's first words this morning when she woke up was "where is that bus?!"  She was so excited to get on I couldn't get a good picture.  I even had to ask for a kiss good bye.  From what she told me she seemed to enjoy her first day in kindergarten.  Ava has grown so much in the past year. 

Mya enjoyed her first day at Pre-K.  She loved seeing her friends from preschool.  Of course she had to wear a blue dress.  Getting everyone off was smooth.  It was when I went to pick Mya up things went wrong.  I had a completely flat tire.  The good part was that I was in the school parking lot.  So, we waited till Patrick came to fix it.   Once again he is our hero!  In the girls eyes he can fix anything.

Patrick came home to see Ava off to school.  I could hardly get a picture she was so excited she couldn't sit still.    We rather her be excited then trying to get her to go.  She was not still for a second.  Patrick kept telling her not to get dirty.  Something she normally doesn't hear from him!

Lena was excited for Ava.  She was asking for the girls every once in a while.  She was screaming Ava's name when waiting for her bus to come home.  She will start two year old play group in a week.  It's only twice a week for two hours.  She wants to go to school also.  She had to bring her backpack to drop off Mya to school.  She might change her mind when it comes time.  Here is a picture of Lena waiting to get Ava off to school.  She had to hold Ava's backpack.


terilynnh2000 said...

Ooohh!! Our girls are soo big! From Lena's size to now. Wowzers- you are right where did the time go? Can't they go back to being 2??

RdNkSheDevil4 said...

All three of your girls are darling! The first day of school is absolutely exhilarating! I can't believe how they all grow so fast, but I do know that it's most important to make time for life's precious moments! Good luck Ava and Congratulations! Love, Peace, and TRactor Grease! Michaele & Ella.