Saturday, August 9, 2008


Ava and Mya had their last time twirling for the year.  They performed at Red Wing stadium last night.  They enjoyed learning to twirl with Mrs. Heather this year.  I think she is a wonderful teacher!  I enjoyed watching them twirl in all the parades it was very cute.   

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

They are Growinig Up!

My little girl is getting big.  My baby Lena got her "big girl bed" today.  I was kind of worried about her not wanting to sleep in it.   Lena went right to sleep at nap time with no problem .  If  her sisters would take some lessons.  Hopefully she will continue on sleeping well for us in her bed!  Now the big decision is the bedspread.  Gotta go she just woke up!